Here, listen to it yourself! It truly is what she sounds like! After sending this link to those important at my office - everyone said this really nailed her laugh. Now I'm sharing it with you. It'll help put into perspective why her threatening to blow me up was so scary.
The other day The Troll went to TNT's cubicle to order him to tell "That Girl" (me - of course) that I needed to look for such-and-such on blah blah blah. While examining her issue The Troll mentioned to TNT that he and "That Girl" didn't want to mess with her. Why? She likes blowing things up. Her response to TNT's question of what she likes to blow up?? "Oh, you don't want to know *cackle*. Let's just say you don't want it to happen."
Uh, scary!
Who has co-workers like this!?!
Then, Friday I came in late due to a doctor's appointment. TNT was ready with another Troll Story. She came by his desk again needed to complain about "That Girl". She disagreed with something I had done. After looking at the issue TNT decided that what I did was correct. For some reason this just made The Troll even more angry. She bypassed the cackle and simply growled - and then walked away.
This week the lady who normally helps shield us from The Troll is on vacation. If you hear that I died from a freak accident with acid - or from an explosion... HIDE!
Careful... this lady might be the next unibomber! Freak!!! Sounds like someone needs some psychotherapy. Seriously... who growls and cackles and tells people they want to blow things up and throw acid... something is seriously wrong. Another question is why is she still employed?? I would have fired her after her comments of wanting to physically blow things up. FREAK!