Some Stories Beg to be Shared

Some Stores Beg to be Shared... And I happen to have plenty...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Yup, you officially made it WORSE

Plane flights can be good, bad, or indifferent. Most of us enjoy shortening our long drives by instead choosing to hop on a plane and be to our destination in a fraction of the time. I did just that this weekend. My younger sister graduated from college so I booked a flight from Denver to Oklahoma City. By passing the endless nothingness that is Kansas was a bonus.

The flight there was just fine. Plenty of room, had a movie to watch, and even though it was late the flight was pretty good.

The flight home was not ideal. In fact, by the end of it I had a good sized headache.

It was simply the last 20 minutes that made me wish I had the peace of endless Kansas grass. I always feel sorry for parents who end up with an unruly child on an airplane. Last time I checked smothering or shaking your child is still considered a no-no. Putting a kid in an environment where they are unfamiliar, the air pressure changes suddenly, they are forced to sit in one place for an extended period of time, and turbulence a recipe for crying and screaming.

The child on this flight went past the threshold of my patience level - and I felt awful for her parents. For 20 minutes straight this child screamed "NO NO NO" at the top of her lungs. It was in a rhythm that mimics a broken record. Later I realized that she lost her pacifier but her parents couldn't do anything about it due to the decent of the plane. They had to stay put - with a little monster on their hands.

I can be understanding of that situation. It wasn't the child that pushed me over the top. It was the lady sitting in front of me...

As if everyone on the plane isn't uncomfortable enough after hearing the tests of lung capacity from a small child - this particular lady decided she'd step in. I can only assume that she was drunk - because, well, who else would do this? The over sized, beer hat toting lady in front of me decided that she would also test her lung capacity - and started screaming "YES YES YES" over and over again at the child. When told to stop she simply said "Well, someone had to do something about the brat".

Yup - I wasn't sure my flight could get worse - but it did. Have you ever tried to reason with a drunk? I wasn't about to start trying. Her flight companion didn't do a great job either. I simply glanced over at the man sitting next to me and we exchanged exhausted looks of disbelief.

I'm beginning to think that shaking or smothering drunk people who decide to add to bad situations should be acceptable.

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to travel with kids... but even harder to deal with an adult who acts like a looney tune!
