Some Stories Beg to be Shared

Some Stores Beg to be Shared... And I happen to have plenty...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

International Jan Green Appreciation Day

Today is International Jan Green Appreciation Day. Every year on April 29th we take the time to show my aunt, Jan Green, how much we appreciate her.

As the story goes - she decided she wasn't appreciated enough one day. She declared the day to be National Jan Green Appreciation Day. Then she found out the Irish were celebrating the beautiful green color the same day - so International Jan Green Appreciation Day was born.

My Aunt Jan is one of the most wonderful, giving, loving, ornery, stubborn, ... , person I've ever known! :-) I can't really tell you how cool of a person she is. You'd just have to meet her.

To celebrate International Jan Green Appreciation Day my Uncle Rick decided to create a Facebook page under her name without her knowing it. Then he decided he would get as many people in on it as possible, switch the email account to her account, and watch to see what happened when she ended up with ten thousand Facebook related emails.

Aunt Jan's Response: What's on my mind? Do you all really want to know that? Okay, I'll tell you... Rick Green is a dead man!

I love you Aunt Jan! And boy do I appreciate you!


  1. I think you summed it all up very well SJ. I'm sitting here smiling. Thank you for the blog vote support. Team Green is really pulling it together for me. Thank you. Thank you. I thank you. Tell John that one of those thank you's is for him. You get the other two.
