Some Stories Beg to be Shared

Some Stores Beg to be Shared... And I happen to have plenty...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Doggy Poo - The Movie

I've been sitting here waiting for one of my work computer programs to load. While waiting I decided I should think about the next thing I should post about. I'm only 24 but even in a short amount of time I have a host of stories, experiences, and situations that I can write about. I decided to go for one of the stranger things that I've ever seen. Doggy Poo - The Movie.

While my husband and I were dating he was an intern youth pastor at a Korean Church. Once he graduated and went on to get his Masters I decided to go with a few friends to the church for a Sunday service. I wanted to say hi to the teens that I had become close with, and I wanted to show my friends where I had helped my husband work for several months. I had no idea that the day would end up being something that we still talk about.

California Red, LB (her blog here), and two other friends joined me. We walked into the sanctuary, sat down with the youth group, and were informed that it was the perfect day of us to be there because they were going to show a movie as the main church service....and it was in English!

The opening scene of this cute little cartoon panned over a farm and zoomed into an adorable little puppy. Immediately the puppy squatted, pushed out a turd and then trotted off. And then low and behold - the turd came to life! His saga began. Here is what Wikipedia says about it:

"After being "created" by a dog, Doggy Poo meets various living and inanimate things. No one wants to be his friend, and Doggy Poo becomes sad because he believes he is worthless and has no purpose. Eventually, a plant grows out of the ground and tells Doggy Poo that she needs him to grow into a flower. Doggy Poo discovers his life purpose and he becomes absorbed by the flower. After being absorbed by the flower, Doggy Poo lives 'a happy life'."

I challenge you to find a movie more random than that. I am now the proud owner of a copy of this 30 minute gem. It has been the central point in many conversations. Congratulations Korean Movie Makers - you have struck gold with your idea of follow the life of dog waste.

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